Projects with Arduino and ESP: The 25 best projects for reconstruction

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✅In diesem Buch warten 25 abwechslungsreiche Projekte voller kreativer Ideen vom Fahrradcomputer bis zur LED-Wand darauf, von Ihnen bezwungen zu werden.
✅Vernetzen Sie Ihre Balkonblumen im Internet der Dinge und bringen Sie einem Roboter das Balancieren bei! Der handwerkliche und programmiertechnische Anspruch steigt dabei allmählich - doch keine Sorge, der Autor hilft mit Tipps und Tricks über kleine und große Hürden.
✅In jedem Kapitel wird zusätzlich ein technisches Thema näher beleuchtet. So lernen Sie ganz nebenbei, wie man eine Blechdose zum Touch-Sensor machen kann und auf welche Weise ein E-Paper-Display eigentlich funktioniert.
✅Der Quellcode ist frei zum Download verfügbar.

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The 25 best projects for Arduino and ESP

Have you already taken the first steps in the Arduino world and are you ready for new challenges? In this book, 25 varied projects full of creative ideas from a bicycle computer to the LED wall await you to be conquered by you. Connect your balcony flowers on the Internet of Things and teach a robot to balance! The craftsmanship and programming requirements are gradually increasing - but don't worry, the author helps with tips and tricks about small and large hurdles. In each chapter, a technical topic is also examined in more detail. By the way, they learn how to make a tin can a touch sensor and how an e-paper display actually works.

Content of the book:

  • 25 projects with Arduino and D1-Mini
  • Detailed explanation of selected aspects of electronics and programming: port register, capacitive sensors, shock detection, self-sufficient power supply, collision detection, analog controls, touch displays, serial operating surfaces, rotary angle, pseudo-coating, RFID, pixel mapping, shipping switch, moisture sensors, push news, e-p0 -Down converter, Bluetooth connections, gyro sensor, PID controller
  • Programming the games "Snake" and "Pong"
  • List of sources of supply for all materials used
  • Consideration of frequent problems and their solution

Advantages of the book:

  • Simple, practical explanations contribute to a quick understanding
  • More than 300 photos and illustrations for illustration
  • All circuit plans, sketches and extensive additional material available as a download
  • Eight projects are networked via Node-Red on a Raspberry PI (setup explained in detail) and can be controlled using a smartphone
  • Two projects are controlled by Bluetooth with a smartphone; Technology is transferable to all projects
  • The projects are designed flexibly, they can make creative adjustments at any time
  • Only a little basic knowledge required - if you can handle the Arduino IDE and a soldering iron, you can start right away

With this book you will get to know 25 exciting projects with Arduino and ESP and receive many suggestions for your own projects!

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